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產(chǎn)品名稱: JBER便攜式加熱采樣探管
產(chǎn)品型號: 便攜式加熱采樣探管
產(chǎn)品展商: 申貝
產(chǎn)品文檔: 無相關(guān)文檔


為了滿足市場上新的測量標(biāo)準(zhǔn)對便攜式比對測量的要求,JCT公司推出了新的便攜式加熱型采樣探管 JPES。 根據(jù)抽取法測量標(biāo)準(zhǔn)§§ 26, 28 BImSchG ,網(wǎng)格法測量是非常重要的方法。我們的便攜式加熱采樣探管JBER正好滿足這個需求。JBER與我們其他的采樣管幾本保持相似,參數(shù)也基本一樣。 您使用時無須任何法蘭安裝工具。沒有特別的電源要求,因JBER可以與加熱采樣氣管和探頭連接到一起。加熱時間可以在15分鐘內(nèi)完成,更無須其他單獨的控制部件。 新產(chǎn)品JBER與便攜式加熱采樣探頭JPES一起滿足了抽取法排放測量的市場需求,使得確保了重要測量的結(jié)果。

JBER便攜式加熱采樣探管  的詳細(xì)介紹

To fulfill latest standards for portable measurement one year ago JCT Analysentechnik launched the portable heated gas sampling probe JPES into the market.

As in many applications like emission monitoring examination and measurements according §§ 26, 28 BImSchG standard also grid measurements are an important topic. In this concern we are pleased to announce the introduction of our portable heated sampling pipe JBER. The heated sampling pipe can be added seamless to our portable probe. And of course the features stay the same.

You will not need any tools or other equipment for mounting. No additional power supply is needed because the JBER will be plugged between heated hose and probe. Heating time is less than 15 minutes to be ready for measurement as fast as possible. And of course no extra controller is needed.

This new product addition makes the portable heated sampling probe JPES to an outstanding solution for the examination of emission monitoring plants where flexibility and sustainable results are essential.

To fulfill latest standards for portable measurement one year ago JCT Analysentechnik launched the portable heated gas sampling probe JPES into the market.

As in many applications like emission monitoring examination and measurements according §§ 26, 28 BImSchG standard also grid measurements are an important topic. In this concern we are pleased to announce the introduction of our portable heated sampling pipe JBER. The heated sampling pipe can be added seamless to our portable probe. And of course the features stay the same.

You will not need any tools or other equipment for mounting. No additional power supply is needed because the JBER will be plugged between heated hose and probe. Heating time is less than 15 minutes to be ready for measurement as fast as possible. And of course no extra controller is needed.

This new product addition makes the portable heated sampling probe JPES to an outstanding solution for the examination of emission monitoring plants where flexibility and sustainable results are essential.

便攜式水質(zhì)快速檢測儀 便攜式水質(zhì)多參數(shù)分析儀 水污染水質(zhì)指紋預(yù)警溯源儀 甲烷檢測儀 三維光譜熒光水質(zhì)指紋分析儀 熱球風(fēng)速儀 熱成像儀 紅外攝像機(jī) 便攜式氫火焰離子化檢測儀 便攜式水污染物監(jiān)測設(shè)備 土壤重金屬分析采樣器 探地雷達(dá)暗管探測儀 海水水質(zhì)快速測定儀 現(xiàn)場執(zhí)法記錄儀 紅外熱成像氣體泄漏檢測儀 微風(fēng)風(fēng)速計 無人機(jī) 多參數(shù)氣體檢測儀 粉塵快速測定儀 快檢試劑包 便攜式水質(zhì)重金屬測定儀 便攜式γ譜儀 工頻場強(qiáng)測量儀 電磁輻射射頻綜合場強(qiáng)儀 電磁輻射選頻分析儀 個人劑量報警儀 便攜式核素識別儀 便攜式X射線熒光測定儀 惡臭監(jiān)測儀 便攜式油煙檢測儀 移動執(zhí)法包 便攜式水質(zhì)現(xiàn)場監(jiān)測儀 土壤綜**樣套裝 VOC檢測儀 便攜式氣體檢測儀 固定污染源VOCs采樣器 個人防護(hù)包 車用尿素檢定儀 油氣回收三項檢測儀 便攜式水質(zhì)重金屬檢測儀 恒流采樣器 車載冷凍冷藏冰箱 土壤重金屬檢測儀 便攜式x、γ輻射劑量儀 傅立葉紅外氣體檢測儀 電子分析天平 手持式光離子化檢測儀PID 便攜式多種氣體分析儀 便攜式氣相色譜儀 αβ表面污染測量儀 應(yīng)急檢測箱 生命搜救雷達(dá) 大型通道式車輛放射性監(jiān)測系統(tǒng) NG1130 車載放射性物質(zhì)搜尋系統(tǒng) 多功能輻射分析儀 生物毒性分析儀 手持式核素識別儀 便攜式化學(xué)戰(zhàn)劑及工業(yè)有毒氣體探測儀 生物毒劑偵檢儀 土壤檢測儀
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